This part is listed by BMW as BMW part number 17125A022E2 (17 12 5 A02 2E2) and is described as the long hose connecting the auxiliary radiator with the main engine radiator on 2020+ G01 X3 M40i and G02 X4 M40i (B58D or B58TU engine).
This is a Genuine BMW B58 radiator hose with a two year warranty. Buying a Genuine part will usually be more expensive than an OEM or aftermarket brand but you are assured that it meets BMW's designs for fitment, performance, and longevity. It will also be the very latest design, incorporating any updates or revisions that an aftermarket brand typically will ignore.
For full BMW fitment information or for assistance from one of our BMW experts, we recommend calling us at 877-639-9648.
BMW Fitments:
X3 Series
G01 X3 (2018+) > X3 M40i B58D (2020+)
X4 Series
G02 X4 (2019+) > X4 M40i